Tiny Apartment Building
Here is a small luxury apartment complex model I built. No planning on it, I just kept putting pieces together, taking them out, then back in until it became what I wanted it to be.
Here is a small luxury apartment complex model I built. No planning on it, I just kept putting pieces together, taking them out, then back in until it became what I wanted it to be.
Here is a quick and simple build which was inspired by one of the visual examples in the LEGO Architecture Studio set (# 21050). It may be the only build example I show where I emulated something heavily, but I’ll share nonetheless. I’ve also included the page from the book included with the set which the
Hello, my name is Jay and this blog will help me track my experiences with LEGOs. It may grow to more but for now I would like to create a way to share my interests in LEGOs – whether building, sharing news, buying pieces and sets, history, piece and color info, etc. Until recently, I